What is GPRS DTU? How does it work? GPRS DTU is the full name of GPRS data transmission unit. At present, there is a clearer agreement on GPRS DTU in China: GPRS DTU is a GPRS wireless device speci
1、 DTU cannot be connected to the center? 1. First determine whether the setting of central demo is normal (analog DTU can be used to connect the center), and then check whether the configuration o
4、 Application Benefit The video monitoring system plays an important role in flood fighting and disaster relief, water resources management, water pollution incident handling, shipping management,
Follow the above: I. Introduction II. System introduction III. software platform 3.2.1 integration of video monitoring with water, rain and engineering database The role of a simple video monitori
1、 Introduction 2、 System introduction 2.1 selection of monitoring points 2.2 overall system structure 2.3 key points in project implementation 2.3.1 equipment selection requirements 2.3.2 lig
Intelligent water conservancy remote monitoring system is a real-time, accurate and efficient information management system established by effectively integrating advanced GSM short message, GPRS, G
Fully implement the remote video real-time monitoring system of the water conservancy system, conduct real-time dynamic monitoring of possible or ongoing flood, dangerous and disaster situations, ti
summary: Water conservancy informatization is to make full use of modern information technology to develop and utilize water conservancy information resources, including the collection, transmissio
The expert consultation meeting on key research directions of water conservancy science and technology in the 12th Five Year Plan and management measures for national water resources monitoring capa
On November 10, 2011, a coal and gas outburst accident occurred in Zizhuang coal mine, Shizong County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province. As of November 15, the coal mine accident has killed 35 people, a