The DAMpt100 acquisition equipment is compatible with two-wire and three-wire systems.
2. At present, it can support up to 16 PT100 acquisition points with a measuring range of-200 °C to 650 °C.
The read channel registers are 3x0001 ~ 3x0016, the read data is 16-bit signed (- 200 ~ 327 °c) or unsigned (0-650 °c) , such as sending the first way query message FE 04000000125C 5 returns FE 040209ef EAF 8, where 09ef Converts Decimal to 2543, the range is changed to 25.43 °C.
The read Channel Register is 3x0051 ~ 3x0081, the read data bit floating point number such as send the first way query message FE 0400320002C 40b return FE 040441cb 70A 4B 532, of which 41cb 70A 4 is converted to 25.43 °C